Learn to Day Trade Guides Step By Step
At Investors , we teach traders to refine their trading strategies and maximize their potential to make money in the stock market. While this is not a science, we rely on certain principles to add more structure to the seemingly chaotic markets.
-by B Investor
- 5 Students
- Last updated
Course Description
Learn How to Become a Better Day Trader
In no way is day trading stocks easy. That said, as a beginner trader, you can learn from the mistakes of others and save a lot of money. At Investors , we teach traders to refine their trading strategies and maximize their potential to make money in the stock market. While this is not a science, we rely on certain principles to add more structure to the seemingly chaotic markets.
Technical Analysis and Chart Reading
We utilize pattern recognition strategies to create high probability trading opportunities. By analyzing stock charts and market data, we can take the emotion out of day trading and increase our odds of making money in the markets. These concepts are discussed in-depth in our educational trading courses.
- Video #1: Intro to Day Trading
- Video #2: Intro to Technical Analysis
- Video #3: Intro to Long Setups
- Video #4: Intro to Short Selling
- Video #5: Intro to Trading Computers
- Video #6: Intro to Stock Brokers
- Video #7: Intro to Scanning
- Video #8: Intro to Trading Services
Your Instructors
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